Our Story
Following twelve years of effort to charter a local chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in the Roxboro and Person County, North Carolina area, Roxboro Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was finally chartered.
In 1969, Soror Jacqueline Green Booker communicated with National Headquarters and with South Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Barbara J. Williams, seeking criteria for the establishment of a local chapter. In 1972, Soror Booker collaborated with Soror Betty Byers Parham concerning the criteria to establish a chapter. After their investigations, they found that there were not enough Deltas in the Roxboro community to establish a chapter. However, in 1979, the two Deltas corresponded again and located enough inactive members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. to successfully proceed with the process of chartering a chapter in the Roxboro, NC area.
During the several months that followed, the chapter was being shaped into a reality with the encouragement and advice of South Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Norma Hardin Sermon (Boyd) and members of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Under the direction, interest, leadership of South Atlantic Regional Director, Dr. Norma Sermon (Boyd), the 680th chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Roxboro Alumnae Chapter, was chartered at South Elementary School, Roxboro, NC, on
March 28, 1981.
Roxboro Alumnae Chapter CHARTER MEMBERS: Doris Blackwell, Jacqueline Booker, Gloria Boyd, Vickie Cartwright, Helen Johnson, Myra Lunsford, Brenda Nichols, Betty Parham, Marie Robinson, Dorleena Sammons, Angela Sampson, Beverly Snipes, Marie Wilkerson and Saundra C. Wilkerson.
Public Service
Since 1981, the Roxboro Alumnae Chapter has implemented the sorority’s Five Point Thrust Program. In addition, the chapter has sponsored numerous community projects, e.g., a single-parent workshop, health fairs, voter registration drives, Black History Month displays, Adopt-A-Black Business, The Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Observance Banquet, a trip to The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Center in Atlanta, GA for middle school students, International Day of Awareness -- HIV/AIDS Workshops , Senior Citizen Bingo parties, a Greek cookout with step-show/entertainment and other community events. The chapter sponsored a Delta Retreat with Dr. Bertha Maxwell-Roddey as the presenter.
The chapter has awarded approximately $100,000 in scholarships with proceeds from the Delteen Cotillions, which were later renamed Jabberwock. An annual Esther M. Harper Scholarship was established in memory of our dear deceased Soror Harper. The chapter has made numerous local, regional, state and national contributions as part of their public service.
Anniversary Celebrations and Observances
The chapter hosted the 21st and the 35th Annual Area Founders’ Day Observances involving Deltas statewide.
In March 2006, we celebrated our 25th Anniversary in Delta with Soror Norma Sermon-Boyd as our featured speaker. This event occurred at the Homestead Restaurant, Timberlake, NC. Soror Sermon-Boyd was South-Atlantic Regional Director at the time of our charter (1981).
In March 2011, we celebrated our 30th Anniversary as a chapter at the Homestead Restaurant, Timberlake, NC.